Video Aktifitas DX

This video recorded by 19SD280 Mr. Tjebbe in Netherland, when we made QSO on 4 August 2010, 07.17 UTC
Many thanks to 19SD280 Mr. Tjebbe for the nice QSO and your nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 153AL160 Mr. Bow in Thailand, when we made QSO on 22 August, 06.59 UTC
Many thanks to 153AL160 Mr. Bow for the nice QSO and your nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 14OF017 also 14DA049 Mr. Fred in France, when I made QSO with 14KW010 Mr. Dan on 23 August 2010, 10.23 UTC
Many thanks to 14OF017 also 14DA049 Mr. Fred for the nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 14/19RSN123 Mr. Vincent in France, when we made QSO on 23 August 2010, 10.45 UTC
Many thanks to 14/19RSN123 Mr. Vincent for the nice QSO and your nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 10SD112 Mr. Edgar in Mexico, when I made QSO with 10FAT010 Mr. Roberto on 6 September 2010, 10.25 UTC
Many thanks to 10SD112 Mr. Edgar for the nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by BAYERNBOYSDX in Germany
Many thanks to BAYERNBOYSDX for the nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 10AD113 Mr. Jose Luis in Mexico, when I made QSO with 10AD113 Mr. Jose Luis on 15 September 2010
Many thanks to 10AD113 Mr Jose Luis for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 13DA007 Mr. Simon in Germany, when we made QSO
Many thanks to 13DA007 Mr. Simon for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your effort for making this video

This video recorded by 13AT777 Mr. Simon in Germany, when we made QSO
Many thanks to 13AT777 Mr. Simon for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 30RC189 Mr. Juan in Spain
Many thanks to 30RC189 Mr. Juan for the nice Video. I appriciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by Maurilucca, when we made qso with 29CO2130Mr. John
Many thanks to Maurilucca for the nice Video. I appriciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 163X549 Mr. Ashley in Wales, when we made QSO
Many thanks to 163X549 Mr. Ashley for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 13AT777 Mr. Simon in Germany, when we made QSO
Many thanks to 13AT777 Mr. Simon for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 1SA543 Mr. Attilio in Italy, when we made QSO
Many thanks to 1SA543 Mr. Attilio for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 13FB101 Mr. Lars in Germany, when we made QSO
Many thanks to 13FB101 Mr. Lars for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 14FDX058 as 14FDX/FD-001 Mr. John in Andorra, when we made QSO for EMU Field Day 2011
Many thanks to 14FDX058 Mr. John and Dorota for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 14ED055 Mr. Micke in France, when we made QSO 
Many thanks to 14ED055 Mr. Micke for the nice qso and your nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

This video recorded by 31SD107 Mr. Orlando in Portugal, when we made QSO with 29AT157 Mr. Noel.
Many thanks to 31ET107 Mr. Orlando for the nice video. I appreciate your job for making this video

6 komentar:

  1. Kang Andy, sangat menarik DX ing di 27mhz.
    untuk komunikasi DX menurut pengalaman kang Andy yang paling baik menggunakan antena seperti apa?

    1. Hallo kang Muliawan,

      Terimakasih ya...atas kunjungan dan komentarnya di blog RT.

      Antena yang terbaik untuk komunikasi DX adalah antena jenis pengarah kang...seperti Yagi, Delta Loop, Qubical dll, tapi pakai antena jenis vertical pun tdk masalah kang...tetap bisa dipakai untuk komunikasi dx, cuma mugkin hasilnya kurang maksimal dan kalau sekedar bisa sih bisa kang...

      Kalau saya sendiri pakai antena Skyper hasilnya sangat memuaskan.
      Atikelnya ada di blog RT ini, silahkan kalau berminat untuk membuatnya.

      Salam terbaik,

  2. Om andi saya masih bingung dengan callsignnya, itu call sign nya bisa kita dapat dari mana?

  3. coba link ini untuk mendaftar call sign

    1. Kalau call sign rapi dan orari saya sudah ikut anggota. Cuma yg dx pakai call sign yg mana ya?

    2. Kang Arfin mau Nge DX dengan call sign International DX? hubungi saya di
